Thursday, November 30, 2017

Those Neverending Math Equations

Blocks upon more blocks
Climbing high

Sentences run long
But the imagination
Is far more complex

Paragraph labrynth mindtraps
Eviscerate their intended prey
Slurping wretched emotions.

Miracle chemistry is slaughtered
Carcasses of prose hang like participles
prepositions ending too often

Constructs should make the building safer
So why's this such a rigid way to communicate?
Are you hearing what I am trying to say?

Crying screaming tugging at wet umbilical cords
confusion incubating cocooned mother's milk creation
The war rages between the words and each person's truth

When words are scarcer what happens with feelings?
Drying like a raisin in the sun, do they defer?
Emotion should never defer to language.

Time here runs short with each utterance
The spectrum of love and hate shrinks with each word
Grammar restraining our love to give

Expanding the universe
Is as much art as is it science
Stretching minds and compassion.

The classic phrases
Will always have an impact
But we are much more.

Words will fail
Love expands depths of
Time and space.

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